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Louis Frères

Smoking / No Smoking

electric bass, electronics

As a solo artist, Louis Frères dives into a universe. 

It's a world where letting go and the explosion of improvised sounds are intertwined. The one where the accidental glimmers created by the electronic instruments respond to the roar of the electric bass. You must slip into this universe, move forward step by step, follow the sounds to the inner space where you joyfully abnegate the passing of time, ears wide open.

These solo improvisations are a tribute to Alain Resnais' film Smoking / No Smoking, in which the different possible evolutions of the same story are imagined, according to the choices of the characters at certain moments.


Collectif du Lion  |  Belgium  |  +32 (0)478 39 02 49  


Collectif du Lion asbl - 49 rue Belleflamme boîte J / B-4030 Liège / N.E  0439-041-89

WebMaster > Racasse Studio

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