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Aux âmes etc

A meeting place where words are at play; words motivated by meaning and poetry, groove and swing; words that say and sing in all styles : pop-song, spoken word, rap, literature, poetry... ! Every speaker, singer, storyteller, spoonerist or musician proposes their own writings and challenges. Confrontation, encounter, desire to mix or not! It' s a common stage for sharing a revisited cabaret.

VIDEOS  |  PHOTOS  |  Press

Collectif du Lion  |  Belgium  |  +32 (0)478 39 02 49  


Collectif du Lion asbl - 49 rue Belleflamme boîte J / B-4030 Liège / N.E  0439-041-89

WebMaster > Racasse Studio

© Photos, vidéos, musiques, textes, logo & illustration. Tous droits réservés.
© Photos, videos, music, text, logo & illustration. All rights reserved.

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